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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Middleville AYSO Region 277

News Detail


Apr, 2023

Player Protection

The Middleville AYSO Board wants to remind everyone of these important player protection polices. These AYSO Polices and IFAB/FIFA Laws of the Game are used to prevent injury to players while on the field. It is very important that players not use equipment or wear anything that may cause injury to themselves or others.

We want everyone to have a fun, positive, and safe soccer experience. Helping us prevent unnecessary injury goes a long way to accomplishing that goal.

LINK: AYSO Safe Haven Manual
LINK: Middleville AYSO FAQ Page
LINK: IFAB Laws of the Game Player's Equipment

Referees, coaches and Region staff should consult the Laws of the Game for exact rules on player equipment and attire. In general, “A player must not use equipment or wear anything which is dangerous to themselves or another player.” The referee is the sole judge of whether or not the individual item in question is permissible to wear in the game.

Are players permitted to wear jewelry, earrings or studs?
Jewelry, including earrings, of any kind worn in any visible body piercing or any hard replacement stud used when the jewelry is not being worn must be removed before the player is allowed to participate in a practice or match. Covering the jewelry or hard replacement stud with tape, padding or bandage is not sufficient; the jewelry or hard replacement stud must be removed before playing. Subject to approval of the referee, various soft, flexible materials that present no danger to the player or other players may be used to keep recent body piercings open for participation during matches.

In the case of visible taped-over or bandaged suspected piercings, referees must not ask players to lift or remove articles of clothing or bandages. It is acceptable however, to ask a player if the tape or bandages is covering an earring. The referee must accept the answer provided, regardless of suspicion and if in the opinion of the referee, the item is deemed to be dangerous, the player will not be allowed to participate on that day.

Since it is rare that an earlobe or eyebrow is taped as the result of an injury, the referee should suspect that a player is using tape or other covering to hide jewelry or a hard replacement stud. It is the responsibility of the referee to ask the coach whether or not the player has been injured or is hiding jewelry or a hard replacement stud. This should be done in a cordial manner and in the presence of the player. An assistant referee or other official must also be present. Coaches have the responsibility of not allowing players wearing jewelry to participate in practices or matches.

If the coach confirms that it is an injury being covered, the referee may not prohibit the player from playing because of the tape or covering. In either case, the referee must indicate in his or her match report which players and coaches were questioned and their responses. Coaches and referees are role models and should avoid wearing jewelry, earrings and hard replacement studs during practices or matches.

IFAB Law 4.1
A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous.
All items of jewelry (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather bands, rubber bands, etc.) are forbidden and must be removed. Using tape to cover jewelry is not permitted.

May players wear gloves?
Goalkeepers are traditionally allowed to wear gloves. Other players may also wear gloves if, in the opinion of the referee, the equipment poses no danger.
Players may be allowed to wear soft hats or caps without brims. They must not constitute a danger to the player or to other players and must be approved by the referee. Goalkeepers may wear a brimmed hat or cap. In addition to the above requirements the brim must also be made of a soft material and must be approved by the referee. Baseball-style caps with hard brims are not acceptable even if worn backwards.

Are there any special requirements for soccer shoes and shinguards?
Soccer shoes and shinguards made by any established soccer equipment manufacturer are acceptable. Other shoes are acceptable if, in the opinion of the referee, they are not dangerous to the player wearing them or to another player and the shinguards afford the player a reasonable degree of protection. A piece of cardboard, rolled up newspaper or similar makeshift items do not constitute proper shinguards. The referee must inspect all cleats to ensure there are no sharp edges; this is especially important for aluminum and nylon cleats.

Shinguards must be completely covered by the player’s stockings. Players are not allowed to wear their shinguards over their stockings and then roll the stockings down over the shinguards. The shinguards must be worn completely under the stockings.

Can players wear Medical Alert Bracelets?
Children may participate in matches and practices while wearing medical alert bracelets. It is important that this information remains visible. However, to ensure the bracelet does not present a danger to the player or other players it must be secured to the player with tape, a cloth wristband or something equivalent, taking care to leave the information visible.

We must all recognize that if the bracelet is removed and lost or hidden in any way, the child might be put in danger particularly if the parents are not present to ensure that the medical condition is known. We must also recognize that it is unlikely that a medical alert bracelet, when properly covered, will pose a danger to the other children who are participating. Medical alert sports bands with a snug- fitting, soft, polyester ribbon band are available and should be permitted without modification.

May a player wear a cast or splint?
The AYSO National Rules and Regulations paragraph VI.K. states:
“Players shall not be allowed to practice or participate in any match with any type of cast or splint.”

May a player remove a cast or splint in order to participate?
The AYSO National Rules and Regulations paragraph VI.K. states:
“Removal of any type of cast or splint at the field or surrounding area in order to participate shall disqualify the player from any practice session or match.”

Removable casts are designed to facilitate personal hygiene and dressing; they are not designed to be removed so that a player may engage in contact sports.

Are players permitted to wear knee braces?
AYSO The AYSO National Policy Statement 2.9 titled “Knee Braces” reads as follows:
AYSO will not prohibit the use of knee braces by players in AYSO events and programs, provided that the knee brace is adequately covered and padded, in the opinion of the referee, so as to eliminate the possibility of its use causing injury to other players on the field of play.

The difference between casts or splints and knee braces is that a cast or splint is used for the treatment of a temporary injury to provide for healing. The use of a knee brace is different in that it is used to provide support and/or flexibility. Knee braces are designed to allow for flexibility of movement, while conversely, a cast or splint is designed to restrict mobility.

Are players permitted to wear any other kind of medical devices?
If the device is needed to restrict mobility, protect an injury or support proper alignment to expedite the healing process of a temporary injury and is hard (cast, splint, etc.) then this is not allowed. If, on the other hand, the protective device is used to provide support, flexibility or enable an otherwise healthy player to function normally such as a knee brace, prosthesis, hearing aid, insulin pump, etc. then this would be allowed provided the device was sufficiently padded to prevent injury to the player and other players. The Laws of the Game specify that “A player must not use equipment or wear anything which is dangerous to themselves or another player.” The referee is the sole judge of whether or not the individual item in question is permissible to wear in the match.

May players wear glasses?
Players who require prescription glasses are to be allowed to wear them during practices and matches. For the greatest safety, retaining straps should be worn or rubber bands may be used for this purpose. Prescription goggles, such as the type used by racquetball players, are also permitted subject to the approval of the referee prior to the start of the match. Spectacle guards made of plastic or other hard material are not permitted.

May players wear hearing aids?
Players who normally wear hearing aids are also allowed to wear them during practices or matches.

Are players permitted to wear mouthguards?
AYSO does not prohibit the use of mouthguards. Parents are encouraged to consult their child’s dentist or orthodontist to determine what, if any, mouthguard is appropriate for their child. Players wearing mouthguards should not be prevented from participating in practice or matches.

May players wear additional protective equipment?

The Laws of the Game specify the following regarding Non-Basic Equipment:

  • A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous to himself/herself or another player.

  • Modern protective equipment such as headgear, facemasks, knee and arm protectors made of soft, lightweight, padded material are not considered to be dangerous and are therefore permitted.

  • New technology has made sports spectacles much safer, both for the players themselves and for other players.

AYSO neither endorses nor refutes the claims of companies which produce products intended to increase player safety. It is the responsibility of the referee to examine the specific piece of equipment in question and then make a decision regarding whether or not it presents any danger to the player themselves or to other players. The referee has the obligation and right to allow or disallow players wearing the item depending upon the referee’s best judgment.

Face masks similar to the type hockey goalies or football players wear are not allowed for goalkeepers or field players because they are constructed of hard material and would pose a danger to other players.

May players wear sweatbands, bandanas, scarves or other items to secure hair?
The referee is the sole judge of whether or not such items may be worn based on the referee’s assessment of the particular item and its function. Supplemental items worn for adornment are generally not permitted. Items the referee believes are not dangerous to the player or to other players and serve the purpose of hair control, perspiration absorption or to conform to religious requirements are permitted. These items should be a neutral color free of inappropriate design, logo or meaning.

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Middleville AYSO Region 277

P.O. Box 426 
Middleville, Michigan 49333

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 269-804-3629
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