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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Middleville AYSO Region 277

News Detail


Aug, 2022

Referees Needed

Do you want see the game from a different perspective? Do you want to secure more home games for your player's team? Do you want to have a positive impact on players, coaches, and spectators? Become an AYSO Referee!

With the investment of a few hours of online safety courses and an in person Referee training course on August 13th you too can be the one whistle during games.

Are you worried that you don't know the game, or that your only soccer experience has been watching your player? No worries! Your player didn't know the rules of the game either until they started. We have all training available for you!

The deadline to enroll for our in-person Referee training course is AUGUST 10 AT NOON. You must be a registered volunteer and enrolled before noon today to make sure you're able to attend the Saturday, August 13th Referee training course.

The training will take place at the Kroc Center in Grand Rapids and is from 9 am to about 5 pm. Lunch is provided. When you complete the course you'll be certified to be an AYSO Referee.

Players aged 12 and older are able to be Referees as well. It is a great way to participate in AYSO more while earning a nice reward for all of the hard work.

If you are already a registered volunteer you can enroll now by following the Workflow with Middleville AYSO and AYSOU Referee Courses.

If you are not a registered volunteer you can become one by following the How to Register as a New Volunteer on our Volunteer Page, then enroll in the Referee training.

If you have questions or need help getting enrolled please email [email protected] or call us at 269-804-3629.

Thank you! We very much look forward to seeing more Referees out on the fields.

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Middleville AYSO Region 277

P.O. Box 426 
Middleville, Michigan 49333

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 269-804-3629
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